OPEN ARTIST CALL | Sound Art | Deadline – 25 August 2018 | SOUTH EAST ASIA | INDIAN SUBCONTINENT |


Sound Reasons | OPEN CALL | Sound Art | South East Asia + Indian Subcontinent |

DEADLINE : 25 August, 2018

THEME : Sound Fields and listening to Sonic Processes

Sound Reasons along with Korean Cultural Center, New Delhi (KCCI) announce an OPEN CALL for Sound Art works from the Indian Sub-continent and South East Asian Countries to be showcased at the Sound Reasons Festival in India. A total of 800 $ USD will be presented to the chosen artists. We are eventually looking forward to selecting ‘One artist / Art work’ from each CATEGORY, which can be presented at the Sound Reasons Festival from September – November 2018 in India (i)


One Artist can only present one work under each of the following 3 CATEGORIES (ii)

  1. Multi channel sound art installations based on diffused audio / Ambisonics. These can be 6 – 8 Channel Sound Installations. These works can be sent as multi-channel diffused audio and/ or in B-format . Details are in the following.
  2. Video and Sound art works which are primarily based on Sonic Process along with phenomenon of listening to the processes. These can include, Visualisation of Sonic process with both leniar and abstract Narratives based on Minimalism. These can include multi-channel audio/ video works.
  3. Proposals for Sound Installations and Live electro-acoustic performances based on improvisations and Extended classical techniques/ instrumentations.




  1. The call is open to artist from theĀ South East Asian Region and Indian Sub-Continent. These countries are : Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka andĀ  Brunei Darussalam
  2. This call is not only for this year (2018) but extends into the next 2 years, when in 2020 we want to curate a bigger Showcase for ‘Asian Sound Art and contemporary electro-acoustic music’. So it is more important to know that even if your works are not fitting into this years ‘curative directions’, we at Sound Reasons will be considering the works based on their creative depth for the next editions of the Festival along with other international Events. So its highly recommended that you send us the submissions based on the following directions.




  1. Submissions are limited to one work per entrant per category. Please send separate emails for each entry/ category – with the Subject as ‘OPEN CALL / CATEGORY : number / Country ‘
  2. All entries should be submitted online through email to ish(at)
    No Media Attachments and no other submission procedure will be accepted
  3. The Email should have a TEXT/ PDF file attached with the following information
    (a) Artist Bio / Artistic Directions (300 Words Max) / Nationality / CATEGORY
    (b) Write up about art works / performance (700 words Max/ including Tech Rider)
    (c) Online Links to the art works on Sound Cloud / Vimeo / Youtube etc ( 4 Links Max)
    (d) Permanent download links to the ‘art works’ on file-sharing servers like DropBox / Google Drive (only in the case of Multi-channel sound Art works, like B-format files which can not be streamed through conventional media streaming servers as mentioned above)
  4. Incomplete applications will not be accepted



(i) This selection process will also depend on the quality of the entries received and their relevance to the curated theme for this year. The number of entries selected (or not) per category rests solely with the Curator of the Festival.

(ii) One artist can submit a max of 3 works under this call. That is, One entry per Category per Artist

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