Andy Guhl

Andy-300p Andy Guhl started his career in 1972 in improvisational free jazz together with Norbert Möslang. In 1983 they started cracking daily electronics and developed it to the cracked everyday electronics. By manipulating these objects to produce sounds, they broke down the traditional barrier between daily items and musical instruments and their acoustic perception. In the1990s the duo expanded their reach into visual representation of acoustic phenomena with several installations, including the Sound Shifting installation they presented at the Venice Biennial 2001 upon invitation of Pro Helvetia -Swiss Art Council. Since 2002, Andy Guhl has branched out on his own with innovative installations using audio-visual feedback in analogue electronic systems which he calls The Instrument, the expanded cracked everyday electronics. “For me physics is a musical building block,” says Andy Guhl, “to allow you to also see what you‘re hearing.” With over 30 released albums as well as performances and exhibitions in over 20 countries, Andy Guhl continues his prolific artistic production.For the Sound Reasons Festival Andy will be making one installation along with a workshop and 2 performances

20 Nov Live Performance Alliance Frances de Delhi, Lodi Road

22 Nov Live Performance Goethe Institute, KG Marg Delhi 


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