Sound Reasons Festival VII | 2019 – 20 | 10 year Anniversary | Local HUBs | Akusmata – HELSINKI |


Sound Reasons Festival VII | HUB Series | Live Performances | Installations | 2019 – 20 |

We are planning something very different to mark the 10 year anniversary at Sound Reasons. Here I want to extend the outreach of the Sound Reasons Festival VII -  across various cities around the world so that it can truly reflect the creative and the curatorial content at Sound Reasons and in turn represent  the complex medium of Sound Art and contemporary electronic music.

These activities for this edition of the Sound Reasons Festival will be spread across 2019 – 20 with curatorial events reflecting and reacting each other. Therefore as part of a multidisciplinary domain, our objective as a festival and a creative space is to curate concerts, installations, collaborations, recording sessions and live performances with the main focus on Sound Art, contemporary Jazz and experimental electronic music.  These are the core activities and is a creative/ collaborative spaces where we are looking at some collaborations based on venue, brand placements and other engaging activities




Session 1 | HELSINKI – Akusmata |  HUB Series | 14 – 16 Nov 2019 |

The first Session of the festival will take place in Helsinki in collaboration with the Akusmata Gallery in Nov 2019

Thursday 14 Nov OPENING
Sound Installation | Live Performance | 1700 Hrs

Friday 15 Nov LIVE
Sound Installation 1700 – 1900 Hrs  | Concert 1900 Hrs

Saturday 16 Nov LIVE
Sound Installation 1500 – 1600 Hrs | Concert II 1600 Hrs


Sound Reasons is a festival for Sound Art, contemporary Jazz and  electronic music which takes place in India and South Asian region from the months of October – December each year. The previous editions had a great response as some of the top most artists in the field of Sound Art, Jazz and electronic music.  Over the past 10 years we have represented over 70 artists from around the world including contemporary artists – Senking,  Zimoun, Grisha Lithchenberger, Hans Koch (Bass Clarinet), Dr Nigel Helyer(Sonic Objects), Christian Skodt, Venzha Chris Jio Shimizu, Raul Keller,  Robin Meier and Bernd Schurer to name a few.

More importantly this year via the Sound Reasons Festival it will be important to address the dualism between physical and virtual spaces, and how contemporary Sound art woks and creativity – like live concerts and more importantly installations can be presented across both across physical and electronic mediums. So the primary activities will encompass installations and live performances which can take place in different parts of the world, but their experiences and phenomenons will be represented and extended through  Virtual mediums like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality(AR), Live Streaming and podcasts. These works therefore will be available to a bigger audience, and the activities will also facilitate the documentation and building (and expansion) of an online archive of Sound art and  practices from around the world with the focus on South Asian Artists. Therefore for the Sound Reasons Festival VII the live events will be ‘streamed online’ to form the curatorial framework of the Sound Reasons Festival on the digital platform.

Ish S | Nov 2019 | 

Please check the Sound Reasons website at for more information and updates.

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