The Listening Biennial | July15 – August 21, 2021


THE LISTENING BIENNIAL |  July15 – August 21, 2021


Dates: July 15 – August 21, 2021
Online Link: Listening Biennale | FOR MORE DETAILS AND ON EVENTS

We will be doing various other events with and before the installation dates like live performances, radio shows, talks etc. Please refer to the website and this space for updates.


Within today’s intensely polarized environment, in which political and social debate often tend toward conflict or impasse, might listening enact an intervention? While focus is often placed on making statements, capturing history, and the importance of free speech, listening is radically key to facilitating dialogue, understanding, and social transformation. To listen is to extend the boundaries of the familiar, the recognized, and the known. In addition, listening affords more egalitarian, decolonized, and ecologically-attuned relations, staggering exclusionary systems and human exceptionalism by way of empathetic, attentional, and more-than-human orientations: to hear beyond the often fixed schema of self and other. Listening is a power, it may open and hold, it may support and attend, and it may afford escape and deep friendship. And yet listening is greatly undervalued and neglected across society.   THE LISTENING BIENNIAL draws attention to listening as a relational capacity, a philosophical and political proposition, a creative practice, and research framework. From radical empathy to weak ontology, poetic refusal to diasporic resistance, eavesdropping to intimate envelopment, listening wields a creative and critical force that may contribute to maintaining the diversity of our social adventure. 


Ish S Presents his work called THREE SUNS IN AN EMPTY ROOM

Three Suns in an Empty Room, 2021  Three Suns in an Empty Room is a live session comprising of Guitar and Effects played within a spatial sound installation and then just the live session is recorded back on the 2 stereo channels, so one does not hear the actual installation in this piece. Here I am putting into practice a part of a Cyclic harmonization principle I am developing influenced by Indian Classical music. Apart from the modal standing, this technique has more of a focus on layers and intersections created herein. On how these layers can translate into colours, perspectives and experiences when juxtaposed against each other as an extended practice. I worked with 2 signal chains when I recorded this session live as an improvisation and I am trying to superimpose 3 variations/ layers on top of these two chains. 

The above-mentioned installation which shares the name with the track here, is based on a Sci-fi concept of 3 suns and their relative movement/ dance in space (based on their mass/ positioning etc.). I have been developing this installation for some time like some of my other works as ‘performative installation’, both for dance/ movement and for live electro-acoustic music performances. Therefore this stereo piece can be heard as a parallax to the installation. So here are 3 Suns from a stationary perspective in an Empty Room…. revolutions, spins and movements, a consistency of position along with inconsistency of speeds and locations, reacting- layering phenomenological events in space, while trying to remove time..





revolutions, spins and movements,.


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