SONIC HORIZONS : Spatial Sound Installations | Vadehra Art Gallery | New Delhi | 29 June – 10 July |





Sound Reasons

LAB Sessions

Various Artists

Sound Installations:
Ish S
diFfuSed beats


Exhibition Dates:

29 June – 9 July

Fri, 29 June Preview | Sound Installations | 7 pm onwards

Fri, 06 July Opening | Performances | Installations | Walkthrough | talk | 7 pm onwards

Vadehra Art Gallery
D – 53 , Defence Colony
New Delhi


Two set of installations will be developed as part of Sound Reasons : SONIC HORIZON – LAB Sessions in the form of multi-channel spatial sound installations with creative intersections and interventions in the form of live performances, Contemporary Dance and Video Art to name a few. The Sessions will be typically set in 2 parts and its interpretations by artists across other mediums will be presented along different timelines at the Vadehra Art Gallery.

The main aim at Sound Reasons’ Lab Session will be to interpret the phenomenological aspect of the ‘Sonic Horizon and its heterogeneous perceptions and experiences. So to work with techniques which build up various Sonic Heterotopias which are derived out of the fleeting experience of listening and the emotional/ perceptual entanglement of the phenomenological and the imaginary/ indeterminate within the multi-point articulation of the ‘Horizon of sounds’. The Sonic Horizon sometimes can be a place where the subjective and the objective meets and as a experience of our own generative perception we produce the objectivity from our subjective position of listening, which is constituted (created) by the object. They are reciprocal and equivalent and in their meeting on the Sonic Horizons they are sometimes different. The sound installations presented here are based on ‘spatial listening processes’ and the audience is encouraged to navigate the sonic space as each location gives a heterogeneous perception of sound, time and space created within the installation. Here, the sound develops spatially and its discovery unfolds itself in the present, bringing with it the experiences of sound and listening as an immersive spatial sculpture.

Additionally, experiments with the other mediums will add to the interpretation of sound as the Horizon and these creative intersections will produce interesting juxtapositions where the processes and the respective mediums becomes the phenomenal subject to interpret the Horizon.

The LAB session this time in the form of SONIC HORIZONS is intended to be in the format for collaborations based primarily on Sound installations as the point of departure. It is also about accessing the points and planes creatively between sound and other mediums. Primarily, the aim will be to engage the artists and the audience with the sonic processes and the mediums where cross pollination of ideas and collaborations can happen. The works will be devoloped and changed all throughout the exhibition period and the creative material generated at the intersection(s) of these sound installations and performances will be presented at VAG in 2 parts containing presentation/ multi channel immersive sound installations, Video Art & performances.

For more details and information about the ‘Sonic Horizon’ LAB Sessions please visit

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SONIC HORIZONS at Vadehra Art Gallery from Sound Reasons on Vimeo.




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